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2022 - Battle for Identity

Writer's picture: William AbrahamWilliam Abraham

Updated: Feb 1, 2022

2022 is the "Year of Identity" or rather the year of the 'Battle for Identity'.

As I was praying about a word for 2022, I had a very simple, yet profound dream. I dreamed I was buying sweet potatoes and there was a choice between a large bag with a QR code or loose bulk sweet potatoes that you bag yourself. The only difference in these choices was to do with payment and identity.

For the QR code item, I had to provide my identity - by scanning the QR code I was providing full identity and in the dream I knew this opened me up to surveillance and scrutiny. For example, if I bought a big bag, this could mean I was highlighted as someone who would be entertaining and, if so, who was I connecting with? Would this in turn trigger scrutiny for any potential violation of movement or assembly restrictions such as we have seen with Covid 19? In contrast, there was the loose sweet potato option available that was anonymous and did not subject my private purchasing actions to scrutiny. Although the dream seemed quite banal, I found it very troubling and unsettling and I was clearly left with the understanding that we needed to select the option that did not come with the additional "add on" of invasion of privacy and additional scrutiny.

As I was pondering this dream, I felt that God was showing us that we were entering into a season in 2022 where there will be an increasing battle over our identity, including ownership of our data, the right to self-autonomy, free speech, and freedom from external control. I think this has been a growing issue for some time, but this year it will intensify.

The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act states that private information includes any information relating to a person’s private or family life and a quick look at the Covert Surveillance and Property Interference Revised Code of Practice reinforces the tight control on government agencies looking to gain access to personal data ( ) . The provisions require warrants to access any personal information and protect the various rights of the individual. However, our increasing use of digital and social media intrudes on our privacy in ways most of us cannot even comprehend. The government does not need a warrant when we give the information to a "company" that sells or shares it with the government. How many of us have clicked on a website to buy something and then clicked to accept the various intrusive tracking, cookies etc? A quick review of today's headlines gives a revealing snapshot of the impact of this intrusion:

  • A Jewish community leader is being fired for liking the "wrong" activist on a Twitter post

  • It was reported that: "numerous trackers from Facebook, Google, and other third parties are embedded in GETTR web and smartphone apps"

  • "App permissions facilitate the surveillance of a wide variety of information about GETTR users, including fine-grained behavior and location data. This data is then used to profile users and shared with third parties"

  • In the US there was a headline that: "The Government is Compiling a Database of People Seeking Religious Exemptions from Vaccine Mandates"

  • Database collection is being done for those who have conservative views

  • In the US, all transactions over $600 are subject to government scrutiny

  • AI is being used to identify those parties involved in disseminating "misinformation" (defined as contrary to the mainstream accepted views)

  • "Hate Speech" laws have been passed to curtail those who hold religious views contrary to the accepted narrative, describing them as myths

I will write more on identity separately, but private details and data are being gathered on us both with and without our permissions. 5G and the internet of things has the capacity to preserve every keystroke. Unlike previous generations, youthful follies will not be embarrassing recollections, they will be live on playback. When you see the deep protection against state intrusion contained in law and policy, it seems totally at odds with the data being collected on us by big media in connection with government. No government official should be monitoring anything in your life directly or indirectly without probable cause and a warrant. Lurking behind the push for vaccine passport is the spectre of digital identity and a "social credit" monitoring system such as that imposed by the CCP in China.

There has been a movement in relation to the ownership of your digital identity and information. Considerable development has been done on this topic and some of the thinkers include Sovrin and the Hub of all Things (HAT) from Cambridge . HAT's tag line is that you can "OWN YOUR OWN PERSONAL DATA SERVER AND PRIVATE AI". As I noted, I will address this in more detail, later but for the purposes of this blog, I am identifying the battlefield and key principles to learn about and implement. This includes:

  1. No one should monitor anything in your life without probable cause and a warrant. The DEFAULT should be that everything you do is private, owned by you and any intrusion is suspect, NOT that if you have nothing to hide why would you not "show all". Remember it is the state that needs a warrant to access personal data not the we need to show proof why our personal data should be kept private.

  2. You should therefore take steps to own your own data and restrict permissions. You will need to learn how to do this in the digital environment.

  3. Your tech choices should take this into account. Many apps and online services are "free" because they collect and sell your data including geolocation data so different choices may be required.

  4. Any attempt to use a "Covid emergency" or vaccine passports to force the revelation of private medical data or to restrict rights should be fought and resisted.

  5. The "state knows best" is not a Kingdom mindset, after all it has given us abortion, gay marriage and euthanasia.

  6. Scientism is also not science, rather it is a godless replacement positivistic religion that tries to crush and suppress other views as heretical misinformation.

This attack on identity and privacy has been increasing just as the battle increased in the earlier dream I shared in relation to vaccines In this earlier dream I was shown that the push to vaccinate would start as a positive sell but would develop into coercion and forced vaccination - treatment similar to that seen under the Nazi regime. I even held off on publishing that blog as it seemed so far-fetched at the time. However, here we are now with Macron stating that the unvaccinated are not citizens; Austria and Germany (with no sense of irony or history) mandating vaccines and bankrupting the unvaccinated with fines; Canada restricting the Charter of Rights freedoms for the unvaccinated (movement, assembly and speech) with calls for more taxes against the unvaccinated; and in the UK medical apartheid discrimination against the unvaccinated. I could go on an on setting out examples of extreme treatment going on now that is similar to what I was shown in my dream.

We must remember that an increase in state intrusion or police powers is never "sold" or promoted in the negative, it is always pitched in a fair and reasonable manner. It is the untold excesses of state action that have over the centuries led to the protections we have, such as being considered "innocent until proven guilty" and that "your home is your castle".

This raises the question of why God reveals to us the enemy's plans? These revelations identify the battle lines and areas of contention. They are not there to reinforce the enemy's plan. It is not a picture of what will happen, rather, we gain wisdom and knowledge to guide our hands to battle. Remember King Joash who went to see Elisha?

18 Then he said, “Take the arrows,” and he took them. And Elisha said to the king of Israel, “Strike the ground,” and he struck it three times and stopped. 19 So the man of God was angry with him and said, “You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck down Aram until you had destroyed it. But now you shall strike Aram only three times.” 2 Kings 13: 18-19

The prophet Elisha was revealing through a prophetic spiritual act how the physical battle would go. He had placed his hands over the King's bow and fired an arrow. Elisha then asked the King to strike the ground with his arrows. In doing this action, King Joash fell short by only striking three times which meant his physical victory would be limited - the spiritual battle was as real as the physical battle. We can take from this the fact that any failure to really engage in the spiritual battle impacts what will happen in the physical battle (natural realm). As a result, people died and the nation was oppressed.

(Another simple takeaway from this is to always do things seven times! If you feel you should declare victory or do some other prophetic act then do it with vigour - seven times to be safe. Seven was used by the Children of Israel at Jericho: "On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets." Joshua 6:4)

As God did with King Joash, He reveals things for us that are part of our battle. This was the underlying call from the blog -we are not simply observers watching the enemy's agenda taking over. We should be looking to God not watching Pharaoh. As with the Children of Israel in Egypt we are not just to fight for freedom - freedom is fought for so that we can serve and worship the Lord. We must engage and fight in the battle God has revealed to us. Shouting "peace", agreeing, and helping the enemy at a time of war is cowardice and treason.

3 For though we walk in the flesh [as mortal men], we are not carrying on our [spiritual] warfare according to the flesh and using the weapons of man. 4 The weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood]. Our weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ, 6 being ready to punish every act of disobedience, when your own obedience [as a church] is complete. 2 Corinthians 10: 3-6

From these dreams we can see that we must engage and fight against coercive freedom-stripping vaccine mandates as well as any attacks against our privacy and identity. We sit today on the metaphorical cliff-top - some nations have already plunged off, using the current plague of fear to institute totalitarian controls, throwing away thousands of years of hard-won freedoms. Using "fear porn" they have inoculated the population to the progressive loss of their freedoms and suppressed any alternative views. Science has mixed with politics in the vacuum left by religion and has become scientism - a cult-like, authoritarian, and broadly socialist world view.

We are called to battle! The reason the Son of God was made manifest was to undo (destroy, loosen and dissolve) the works the devil (has done) 1 John 3: 8. Restricting freedom and eliminating liberty is a work of the devil. Whether our country has fallen off the cliff or is teetering at the top we must still fight. Fight with our spiritual weapons of prayer and declaration as well as engaging in the physical fight. In this battle, our role is not just to beg and complain but to pray, decree and bind. We must declare that the works of the enemy are loosed, destroyed and dissolved and take practical natural action as the Lord directs. We must use our weapons to attack - first in the spirit realm and also in the physical realm. Are we binding these ungodly intrusions against our freedoms -the freedoms that allow us to worship and serve Jesus? In order to pray in faith we need to know what God's view is on these matters.

I also felt that "2222" and February (22022) was important as this is a reminder and reference to the Key of David from Is. 22: 22. Pay particular attention to a shift in February 2022.

I will give you the keys (authority) of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind [forbid, declare to be improper and unlawful] on earth will have [already] been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose [permit, declare lawful] on earth will have [already] been loosed in heaven.” Matt. 16:19

I think this is linked to the sifting of the "church" and even nations through this season. Remember the parable of the 1, 5 and 10 talents? There was a season that the 1 talent was buried and life went on. Then the Lord came and dealt with the 1 talent parties - it was taken away and we then had a 5 and 11 talent season. I suspect that February will be a similar visitation - those that have colluded and compromised and not joined with Jesus in his mission to destroy the works of the devil will be sifted. We should not fight to save these failing businesses and ministries. Let us focus on building the church that has vision, direction, and, most importantly, fire.

Likewise, it seems that nations are also being sifted into goat and sheep jurisdictions (Matt. 25:32-33). I define a sheep jurisdiction as one that more broadly aligns and allows Kingdom - freedom of religion, speech and privacy are part of this as is capitalism allowing for the ability to own and therefore give. A nation does not have to be a theocracy or its' leader a Christian to be aligned. Think of the biblical Cyrus or the Cyrus Trump for examples. It is harder to be a Good Samaritan when this requires the permission of the state or where restrictions do not allow travel. Currently, it seems that some nations are very "goat-like" and even within a country people are flocking to freedom - see the exodus from California to Texas and Florida. This sifting will continue in February, so pray for our nations and jurisdictions also.

Remember also that it is also always a remnant that pushes forward. Elijah and the prophets of Baal (he thought he was alone but there were 7000 others}. The main body of people did not commit and watched what Elijah was doing. Only when the fire fell did the fence sitters commit. Let us, as modern day Elijah's, decree and declare God's plan and victory according to the 2222 vision of Matt. 16:19. Like Joash, strike our weapons in spiritual warfare (seven times not three!) It does not matter what the secular authorities are doing and it does not matter if many in the church and denominations have compromised, it is always the remnant that brings the fire and transformation.

So, in summary, February is a pivotal month of change and a battle over identity. Fight to win.

PS When we refer to "fight" we mean full legal and vigorous action and not a call to violence. In some cases this may include protest and civil disobedience in the long-standing tradition of liberal democracies and, of course, where civil laws and restrictions violate God's laws, then our requirement is to serve God.

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