I feel a heavy burden. So much is riding on this US election! I feel global "tectonic plates" shifting - immense pressures in the Spirit. It is not just watching the Americans select their next leader. It is the global battle around the "global reset" - God's plans vs the enemy's plans. Pivotal shifts in relation to Israel, abortion and religious freedoms. Principalities are firing up around the world and we are called to pray - to be the house of prayer to decree God's purposes on earth at this time.
Thus says the Lord,
“Stand by the roads and look; ask for the ancient paths,
Where the good way is; then walk in it,
And you will find rest for your souls.
But they said, ‘We will not walk in it!’
“I have set watchmen (prophets) over you,
Saying, ‘Listen and pay attention to the [warning] sound of the trumpet!’
But they said, ‘We will not listen.’ Jeremiah 6:16,17
It is not enough to be passive. I am a watchman sounding the warning - listen and pay attention. This time reminds me of Germany falling to the Nazis- their propoganda portrayed him loving children (see the stamp above) but it was a time for the church to have a voice to challenge and they failed. At this moment, I have seen too many believers trying not to take a side in what is an existential battle between good and evil. God has a purpose and a plan - we must all pray for the US not to fall to unrighteousness, censorship and the progressive totalitarian mindset of the secular religion. An intolerant secular positivist theocracy where dissent is suppressed and made illegal and where opposing views are silenced as hate speech.
God is using His Cyrus, Trump, as one of His instruments to hold back the tide:
to challenge globalism;
to stand for the family;
to check the corruption of elites and established bureaucracies;
to turn back the attack on religious freedoms, including challenging nations in the UN who do not protect the rights of Christians;
to counter the divisive ideologies behind identity politics and racist ideas like 'white privilege' and Critical Race Theory;
to call out the pharisees in the media who twist and lie; and
to hold back the bloodthirsty desires for late term, during birth and post birth abortion.
Pray for a victory for Trump in this election and actively encourage believers and others who have a vote to get out and vote. If the US falls who will raise a voice for the unborn?
“The Great Reset” is a new “social contract” that ties you to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, and a “social credit” ID that will dictate every facet of your life.
While the COVID-19 pandemic is being used as a justification for the Great Reset movement, the agenda has nothing to do with health and everything to do with a long-term plan to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance and artificial intelligence.
The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are rebranded terms for technocracy and the old “New World Order” melded with the transhumanist movement.
Technocracy is an economic system of resource allocation that revolves around technology — in particular artificial intelligence, digital surveillance and Big Data collection — and the digitization of industry and government, which in turn allows for the automation of social engineering and social rule, thereby doing away with the need for democratically elected leadership.
The real plan is to usher in a tech-driven dystopia free of democratic controls masquerading as a plan to bring us back into harmony with nature.