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Brexit Day 2020 - The Culture Wars

Writer's picture: William AbrahamWilliam Abraham

Updated: Feb 1, 2020

Happy Brexit Day for everyone in the UK (regardless of how you may have voted on this issue).

I was sitting at my desk today thinking about the current battles of culture that are going on around us and what a pivotal time we are living in. On the same day we see the UK formally leave the EU after a prolonged campaign to thwart the vote of the people, we also see an attempt to unseat the US President being defeated. These have been major high profile attention-grabbing conflicts but there are also tens of thousands of minor conflicts going on in the battle for culture. It is a MAJOR DAY OF SHIFTING INTO A NEW SEASON.

We are living in a warlike time and only our robust political environment kept most of the violence non-physical. In the UK, the remain lobby did everything possible to thwart the vote including diminishing the respect of even our Parliament and the court systems. Those that had voted to leave were met with derision, contempt and an entrenched press that united behind the remain voice. Learning nothing from the result of the referendum, they had to be taken to school again at the December 2019 election.

In the US, campaign funded dirty tricks flowed into a Russia hoax including illegal state actions to spy on and undermine a "conservative" President. When that failed, the battles continued leading to anti-Trump actors spying and coordinating leaks to provoke an impeachment process thereby keeping the focus and news-cycle on the President and not on the crimes and tactics surrounding their own actions. The "resistance" movement's rallying cry was the need to keep abortion in place as the law of the land. Indeed, the "astringent wipe" that was Trump revealed real positions - abortion went from being something that the left said should be rare and infrequent to being something that should be available even during and post labor. Views and motives were exposed, positions were entrenched and the dirty-war began.

These have been major high profile attention-grabbing scorched-earth conflicts, but there are also tens of thousands of minor conflicts going on in the battle for culture. These range from Franklin Graham being cancelled from speaking in the UK to black-clad masked ANTIFA and BLM "terractivists" attacking people that do not accept the new theocracy's belief systems. Many Christians I know may vote (that is in private) but remain silent against the onslaught of the left - there is a dramatic chilling effect on expressing any position that is not "culture-approved". Wearing a campaign hat can and has resulted in verbal and physical attacks including the full weight of society coming against people through the press and state actors.

The new theocracy has a totalitarian facist orientation that does not tolerate dissent and different views and certainly does not tolerate freedom of speech or religion. The media gateways censor content through the chilling effect of immediate attack and derision which leads to the slow homogenisation of thought.

I could write a book on this and maybe I will, but we see the battles between globalist elites trying to usher in a new world order which is characterised by a full rejection of Judeo-Christian values and heritage which underpins our civilisation. I see much of this as a fight to stem what was becoming a swift current towards a Godless view of life and culture. Much of the totalitarian left's new theocracy enforces a uniform view on issues in society: requiring a declaration of faith in late-term abortion as well as self-loathing rejection of our Christian heritage in the name of "white-privilege" which can only be supported by a myopic, cherry-picking view of history. The broad-church that used to be the Labour Party in the UK, the Liberal Party in Canada, and the Democratic Party in the US is gone. In Canada, you cannot be pro-life and be a member of the party selected as a potential candidate - I suspect it is the same in the US and UK.

Why am I setting this out? I think today represents a push back against this seemingly inexorable flow to globalist values many of which are anti-Christ in nature. Churchill famously quipped that every early battle in WWII was lost until the tide started to turn. These wins are harbingers of change. As Christians we need to know the times and the seasons. We are not to be "left" or "right" but Kingdom. However, Kingdom means discerning systems and understanding battles. Trump, as a type of Cyrus, may not be our ideal, but are his promises and actions more in line with Kingdom? He has been pro-Israel, pro-life and pro-freedom of religion and his election and re-election may even allow there to be fundamental changes in terms of turning the tide of abortion that has so tainted the West. Can our plans to transform society be better accomplished in a system of state-ownership and confiscation of personal property by the state or in a system that allows for freedom?

In the UK, Brexit allows the UK more freely to retain its' Christian values - clearly Christians must now rise up to make their voices heard. I found it interesting that one of the PMs first actions post-election was to take steps to restrict the anti-semitic and anti-Israel BDS movement in the UK.

There is a saying that "Culture eats strategy for breakfast". Another saying I would advocate is that "Kingdom trumps culture and strategy." We must learn to articulate what our Kingdom culture means as well as taking steps to preserve the rights and freedoms purchased by our heritage. We must stand as modern day Elijahs calling out the Ahabic and Jezebelic systems and their champions and do so with the FIRE of Heaven. Read the sermon of Stephen in Acts 6 prior to his stoning to see what it means to speak truth to power. John the Baptist was imprisoned and later beheaded, largely because he called out his political leadership for wrongdoing. Remember - we walk in Kingdom and we must walk in Love - Jesus is our example. He walked in Love and challenged the woman caught in adultery to sin no more. He corrected the Samaritans on their theology and He exposed the malign hearts of the Pharisees. In Prophetic Voices on God TV, Pastor Agu stated that one of the key problems is that believers make the mistake of thinking they are civilians instead of soldiers. Imagine waking up in a life and death battle with no armour or weapons.

Love, love, love - Kingdom holds the only answers to the problems of society so we must keep our voice loud and heard despite the battle.

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