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Prophetic Insights on this Season

Writer's picture: William AbrahamWilliam Abraham

Updated: Apr 1, 2020

We are being inundated by messages from every source and most stories about the Wuhan Virus/Coronavirus 19. The news cycle and the world's attention is focussed on this and it dominates the airwaves and private discussions. I wanted to put this in a broader prophetic context - what is happening in this season and how does it all connect? What is God saying at this time?

There are a few preliminary points to make:

1. It is right and proper to have some discussion about this virus - we need to know how to protect ourselves and to be aware of what is happening.

2. There are a lot of conspiracy discussions going on also. The problem with dismissing something as a conspiracy is that sometimes it is! However, it does seem that people are attributing to men the actions of satan. Because people don't really believe in an active and living God and they don't really believe in an active enemy. As Christians we know that that the enemy is like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour and that he comes to steal, kill and destroy. (I Peter 5: 8; John 10:10) No one impacted by this virus would deny that it has stolen, killed and destroyed.

Origin of the Virus - despite the Chinese disinformation campaign, it is clear that this virus originated in Wuhan and information on it was initially suppressed by the state with disastrous consequences. The truth will come out but it either escaped from a lab in the area or originated in the very substandard "wet market" in the area. China's role in the origin and the cover up must be looked at once the crisis has passed.

God's will and plan is for us to live "on earth as it is in heaven" so any disease from a lab or unclean market is not part of God's plan. He can work through these circumstances but He is not the cause. That said, once released, the virus has given authorities a dry run to exert massive social control - in China this has revealed state intrusion at a level that is hard to even imagine. Evidence of social distancing by tracing phone GPS and monitoring everyone in a nation. It is easy to see how "end times" restrictions are now fully possible in real time - we have just seen it. Unless your phone is "green" you cannot be out or buy and sell. Imagine if Nazi Germany had these amazing tools? There must be voices raised against this type of Orwellian shift - it is always done "for the benefit" of the population, but voices always need to be raised to preserve liberty and religious freedom.

Prophetic Season - we have come through three seasons

One Talent Shaking - the first in 2019 was a declaration that a shaking was coming and the "one talent" businesses, ministries and churches would be shaken and their "one talent" given to those who had 10. That is, the survivors would be those who were operating in Kingdom profit (Matt 25:14-30). In short, the old way of doing things by manipulation, debt, control, power or false honour would not survive the shaking that was coming. God was looking for our lives, businesses, churches and ministries to be like altars of Elijah, dedicated to Him and dependant upon fire from heaven.

Sword of the Tongue - you can read my earlier post on this but the new year 2020 ushered in a season where God wanted us to be speaking out what He wanted to have done in the land. The enemy's plan had been set back and a wedge had been placed in his movement forward - through instruments like Trump and Brexit there was a window open for His purposes including even for a revision in relation to abortion. All hell and its acolytes went "nuts" fighting any change in the "progressive agenda" including abortion and identity politics. God was releasing the wind of change stating: "DON'T ACCEPT THE INEVITABLE BECAUSE GOD WANTS TO DO THE IMPOSSIBLE".

Cyrus released a decree (Ezra) and God was calling on His people to "set magistrates and judges in the land", He wants us to rule, reign and legislate. This is a season to speak out as God is speaking - speak to the land, speak to the issues that God cares about - justice, the taking of unborn life and righteousness. To rebuild and reconnect the land to its Godly roots!

Virus is also speaking - in this season of the Sword of the Tongue, the virus is also "speaking" - it also drives the narrative of this plague and stokes a spirit of fear that is sweeping the land. It has come forward to shift the narrative and capture the agenda.

We Must Choose the Greater Decree - the virus seems to be dominating the narrative BUT GOD is calling on us to speak according to His decrees. What I mean by this is we need to pay attention to virus issues BUT in the context of a greater decree from God. The enemy has raised up the virus to attack and thwart the call on the church to speak and decree what God wants in this season. In that sense it is a distraction from our greater calling in this season.

Think back and seek God as to what He wants us to be saying at this time. I felt that for every two virus related thoughts and prayers we need to have at least eight dealing with what was and is on God's heart!

Remember the evil spies (Numbers 13:32)? All the spies saw the same thing but only two weighed the word of the Lord and what they saw, and then gave the good report that we are more than able to take the land. The bad spies saw the facts and spoke only the facts - "we are going to get thrashed - they big and they bad". They did not factor in what God had to say and this was consider bad and evil. We must be "good spies". Like our father Abraham, we must look at the facts and put them on the scale against the Word of God and then declare His reality - in modern vernacular, satan has put forward "alternative facts" and our walk of faith is to declare Kingdom reality despite this. (A re-read of Hebrews 11 would be a blessing at this time!)

Likewise, we are called to speak and say what God wants to have said at this time. We need to speak to the issues that are on God's heart. At this time we have positional authority to legislate as God directs - we need to bind what needs to be bound and loose what needs to be loosed (Matthew 18: 18-20). God has an agenda and a plan and the virus is satan's attempt to shut down our voice and get our focus off God's plans. Remember our daily prayer is that His Kingdom would be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Remember also that this virus must bow to the name of Jesus (see the earlier post) and part of our prayers will be that all the enemy's plans through this attack will be thwarted. That economies will not be destroyed, that the distraction will not stop God's agenda, that the taint of abortion will be removed, that the attack on righteousness will be thwarted and that a wave of revival and reconnection to our Christian heritage will triumph. Some have prophesied that the enemy's plans include a raising up of China as a global economic power through these events so we also pray that this will not take place and that the nations that responded as sheep nations - seeking God through prayer - will rise up and be protected.

In short, we hear the voice of the virus and the voice of God and we must stop and listen to God - we pray and focus on God's agenda for our lives and nations and we pray against any enemy plans. We pray for a miraculous curtailing of the virus and a turning to God in the crisis. We pray for God's plans to triumph and for His Kingdom to be established. We remember God's decrees of blessing over our lives and nations and choose these over the decrees and narrative released through the virus. We are overcomers and we pray for a release of locked up wealth and that whatever God's people need will be released in the name of Jesus.

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