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The Digital Trap - Vaccine Passports, Social Credit and Totalitarianism

Writer's picture: William AbrahamWilliam Abraham

"According to China’s new “Administrative Measures of Internet Religious Information,” which go into effect today, the Communist government must approve any information regarding religion posted online — including social media posts, religious videos or real-time online religious gatherings.

Anyone who posts or shares words, images or videos of a religious nature without government authorization will face swift consequences. Under the new regulations, internet service providers are required to shut down internet service to Christians, churches or organizations that share religious messages without permission.

In addition, those who post or share religious information without permission will receive a drastic reduction in their “social credit score.” This could cause them to lose their jobs, experience more government surveillance and face travel restrictions and other difficulties.

Churches will no longer be able to host online worship services or post anything online without government approval, forcing them further “underground.”" Voice of the Martyrs

What government can control they will control.

There is a current theme or thread in the "elites" in western democracies to assert control over the actions of their populations. There are a number of causes for this, including the globalist vision: "global problems need global solutions." This is part and parcel of the Build Back Better World Economic Forum world view that gave birth to the "Covid 19, Great Reset", the "new normal" and a host of other euphemisms. At their core, they are derisive of the rights of the individual and lauding of the needs of the collective. This had been largely adopted by our religious and political leaders who tried to enforce the idea of sacrifice and collective good to the taking of the experimental vaccine. "We, the elites, have determined that the vaccine will be taken and you will take it because society needs you to do so, even if your assessment of the risks and science is different." Like soldiers attacking a useless hill on the orders of an incompetent leader, you must put your life at risk to satisfy their directives. If not, you were selfish and should be punished like the deserter you are.

This perversion of the rights of people, places the government in the position of priest and king with a new kleptocratic elite at the top. Science is replaced by scientism as the elites' narrative must not be disturbed or contradicted. To do so is to be unpatriotic and to be spreading dis or mis information. The current calls for suppressing views that are different to these elites can be seen most starkly in relation to the vaccine programme and latterly in relation to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

We are all upset by this invasion and the loss of life that any conflict generates. However, the failures and causes of this debacle are nuanced and complicated. What we are seeing is that any discussion outside the "approved narrative" is being shut down with no or little reflection on the right to freedom of speech and expression.

This underlines the push away from freedom and individual rights to some kind of collective vision where the government and its' elites determine what is "approved". The drive under the WHO and WEF towards a digital ID under the guise of a vaccine passport linked to banking and GPS is what this is all about. How can global solutions be put in place without being able to enforce them quickly and easily against large populations? The answer for them seems to be the CCP social credit system that links everyone through their ID. The CCP shows them what is possible (see above quote). You don't like religious speech? Then you can pass laws against it like Canada has done but better yet to cause "civil death". The trucker protest is an example: label them as Nazis and say that "Honk, Honk" is a code for "Heil Hitler" (yes, one Canadian parliamentarian did say this). That said, you can then debank them, freeze accounts, take their vehicles, kick them off social media, seize funding as well as prosecute them for crimes that did not exist until you declared them in violation of some kind of "emergency".

Why it is so hard for governments to give up the pandemic emergency declarations? Perhaps because they could do so many non-pandemic acts that would be problematic or illegal under normal laws. However, once the entire population are digitally connected to the government, and social media fully on board with the banks, so much more can be done. Link the GPS to the ID and then immediately ban people who may be protestors from entering a city and even shut down phones, banks and cars that violate this rule - "so good". Given the climate emergency we could finally get on top of people who drive around too much- two trips into the town centre in one day could result in a fine or caution and eventually a reduction in your credit score which can be expanded to include citizenship. Maybe a course on good citizenship and supporting the government will be required after a few violations. After all, no bank would really want to give a mortgage to someone who held "deviant views" like there being two sexes, the Bible is the Word of God, or who were not supportive of health care for women (abortion) or who do not believe in fairness (LGBTQ agendas) or those who are selfishly unvaccinated. If you are genetically white then maybe you also must be watched as there is a tendency to "rage" and you probably were really horrible etc etc Where does it stop? Look at the CCP in China and you can see. In the UK, the courts recently upheld the sacking of a women who reposted an article about gay marriage on facebook - she had unacceptable views. Interestingly, a phrase recently used by Trudeau to describe protestors.

So why am I writing this? I was so disappointed by most of our politicians and religious leaders. Maybe it was my "unacceptable views"? I saw my old pastor from London out at a "Stop the War" event for Ukraine. I also saw lots of online posts to pray for Ukraine on various forums. I don't mind the cause and praying for Ukraine, but here is the issue: where were they in relation to the trampling of rights in Canada? Where were they seen protesting the issues of forced vaccination, vaccine mandates and the forced vaccination of children? They were silent and compliant. The government has "approved" complaining about Ukraine so there they were there smiling and protesting (maskless) but they were not seen when churches were being shut, pastors arrested and civil rights trampled. Selective outrage or maybe just outright hypocrisy?

Of course, now their mantra seems to be that we don't want to talk about the last season: too divisive, let's just talk about revival. Here is a word for them: "God will forgive and heal if we repent - not facing the issues is not repenting. God anointed David and Samson but he will not anoint Jezebel and those who tolerate her without protest! God is merciful, but why would anyone expect anointing and fire on your polluted altar - like Elijah, first fix your altar then pray to God for fire."

There is a call on the churches and believers to wake up. Wake up and see the direction that you are being driven by ungodly governments. Don't parrot that the same government that is pro abortion and gay marriage and shut down the churches illegally somehow has your best interest at heart. We must pray for them - pray that they receive God's mercy and righteous judgement and that ungodly leaders are removed. The church needs to know the times and seasons. The Ukraine invasion and falling poll numbers may have "cured" the Covid 19 pandemic but the underlying agenda continues and will be part of an ongoing battle. Remember the German church in 1933 that slid into totalitarian control. We must do better.

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