I had a dream within a dream 30 August 2023. I dreamt I was having a dream and I saw a well-known prophet and heard God say that "it was a Mocking Bird." I dreamt I awoke into the first dream and was pondering what that meant. There was revelation given that I could not recall. I then woke fully and continued praying and pondering.
I felt the Lord was saying that there is a Mocking Bird Spirit - a counterfeit spirit - at work in the prophetic. The prophet I saw represented the prophets - well meaning perhaps and sincere but being influenced by this Mocking Bird spirit. What does this Mocking Bird Spirit do? At one level it twists and confuses the true prophetic voice. Mocking Birds mimic sounds that they hear and as such have an inauthentic voice. Sounds and influences that are not Kingdom and anointed are therefore released as being real. Some call this mixed waters or derivative prophetic words (words that have been heard, pieced together, and put out as their own).
What voices and sounds are being heard and repeated? There are three sources: the enemy, ourselves, and the Holy Spirit. Like with Eve, the enemy can create a narrative that sounds religious and impactful but has a sinister power. This is the anti-Christ spirit. Our flesh can also come up with a narrative that can be deceptive as we strive. The Holy Spirit is also always seeking to lead us to truth and a clear, pure word. Pictured as a dove settling on Jesus, the Holy Spirit will guide us not the Mocking Bird Spirit.
The Mocking Bird Spirit also creates something like a "spiritual fog" around a person that works to sow confusion. When you speak to someone impacted by the Mocking Bird Spirit this will result in cognitive dissonance. For example you may say something to the person; however, they hear mocking. The Mocking Bird "filter" means they perceive a correction as a challenge or attack which is then met by an escalating response.
Let a righteous man strike me—that is a kindness; let him rebuke me—that is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it... Ps 141:5
Instead of the Ps 141:5 anointing of prophetic and apostolic correction, the Mocking Bird spirit creates cognitive dissonance and twists this, causing it to be perceived as an attack against the core identity of the prophet. The same "Thus saith the Lord" statement in the mouth of the prophet that should bless, becomes a shield for the Mocking Bird Spirit to operate behind.
The Mocking Bird Spirit also can incite actual mocking. Inciting others to mock and creating an expectation of mocking. If we are impacted by this, it can result in people dealing with such a prophet actually crossing a line into actual mocking where the "righteous man's rebuke" can go too far. Like an agent provocateur operation, it invites attack to try to discredit the voice of genuine apostolic correction.
Action - We must repent for any element of mocking or partnering with this spirit to ensure that all of our interactions are like the Ps 141 oil of righteous correction. We must also ask for revelation of any working of this Mocking Bird Spirit in our own lives, organisations and territories. It has now been identified as being in operation and we have the authority to take it out. We must come out of alignment and agreement and break any hold it may have.
I shared this dream with Veronika West, a mature prophetic voice in the land leading Ireland's Destiny Hub, and she expanded and linked this to what she has been releasing. Here is some of what she shared:
"I believe this speaks to the Prophetic landscape and I hear these words: ”The Mockingbirds Song and the Eagles Cry." The Mocking Bird's Song is like Delilah’s lullaby, it brings distortion, deception, and a slumbering spirit and is rooted in witchcraft, pride and false humility, whereas the Eagles Cry heralds the Lion of Judah. Indeed, the Mocking Bird actually features in a lullaby, "...Hush, little baby don't say a word, Papa's gonna buy you a mocking bird..." THE CRY speaks to the cry for reformation, transformation and unity. It is rooted in repentance, humility, and surrender.
Mocking Birds are masterful mimics they can mimic and copy any sound they hear. If any type of bird represents a counterfeit spirit it’s the Mocking Bird. God is not playing games. He’s dealing with the sounds that bring distortion and static. He’s dealing with counterfeit sounds that mimic the real sound. He’s calling us up to come up higher so we are above the counterfeit sounds of that Mocking Bird spirit.
While it speaks to the Prophetic landscape, I believe it’s really in essence speaking to the current Anti-Christ Spirit that is infiltrating every sphere of Influence. This Dream has its roots in the Anti-Christ Spirit rising, including the rise of AI (artificial intelligence). If there was ever a manifestation and demonstration in this hour of the Mocking Bird Spirit/ Counterfeit Spirit that masquerades as the real its being seen in the Rise of AI.
What is also interesting in the dream is the DREAM WITHIN THE DREAM, and we spoke about the Wheel within the Wheel but I truly believe even in that context God is revealing “THE THING WITHIN THE THING” or the "THING BEHIND THE THING!"
We have a call today for authentic, anointed, pure prophetic voices to arise. Personally, in our movements and in our territories and nations. We must be alive to the Mocking Bird/Counterfeit Spirit that mimics what it is hearing and is inauthentic. It is revealed: We can now see it for what it is. We have authority to break its influence and to wake up those under it's siren spell. We must all also sharpen our discernment. Do not let tainted words pass by. Something that sounds good may not be a true anointed voice - just ask Eve. The sleeping and slumbering in the land must be broken by prophetic watchman that shout with a clear voice. The trumpet sound must not be uncertain or false and we must be open to give (and receive) the Psalm 141:5 anointing of correction.